Don’t Settle For Less

Don’t Settle For Less

Worker Dies in Building Collapse

On Behalf of | Jul 10, 2012 | Construction Accidents

When one considers the myriad hazards facing construction workers – from ladder falls to burn injuries to equipment failures – there is little wonder it is statistically among the most dangerous occupations. Another incident this week illustrates how dangers lurk everywhere for these workers.

One may assume that a building addition would provide minimal hazard, particularly when it involves a single-family home. However, on Tuesday, an addition to a home partially collapsed, trapping one worker and injuring three others. The accident in Gerritsen Beach, Brooklyn occurred because, according to the Department of Buildings, workers failed to properly secure the addition to the existing structure.

The three injured workers did not require hospitalization. However, the trapped worker was transported by emergency personnel to a nearby medical center after being freed from the wreckage. Unfortunately, he died a short time later.

The remains of the addition have been ordered destroyed, and the home in question has been temporarily evacuated. There has been no word on whether the homeowners plan to file suit. Neither is there any indication that the survivors of the deceased plan to file a wrongful death claim. If, however, they pursue such a course, and it can be determined the worker died due to another’s fault, the family may be able to recover for lost future wages, pain, suffering, and loss of companionship.

If you have been injured in an accident due to negligence or fault on the part of another, you may wish to pursue a personal injury claim.

