Don’t Settle For Less

Don’t Settle For Less

New York City Garbage Truck Accident Lawyer

The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn And Manhattan Trash Truck Injury Attorneys

Garbage and recycling trucks are constantly on the move and a fact of life when navigating streets throughout the five boroughs. As you may have recently and very painfully discovered, they pose a substantial hazard and typically do tremendous damage when involved in any type of accident.

Dedicated, Action-Oriented Representation For The Injured and Grieving

If you or a family member has been victimized in an injury-causing or fatal accident involving a sanitation truck in New York, you need a lawyer committed to thoroughly investigating what happened and exploring all your options for obtaining compensation. Your case may require knowledge of how to handle claims against NYC metro municipalities or corporations, and at the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel, we have extensive, successful experience with both.

Many factors contribute to the involvement of both municipal and corporate garbage trucks in serious injury-causing accidents. To cite a few:

  • Operation in early morning hours and other off-peak times can lead to operator complacency when it comes to keeping lookout and yielding to other vehicles.
  • These massive, specialized industrial vehicles are equipped with complex mechanical equipment subject to dangerous failures, including master braking and service braking systems that must be maintained conscientiously and operated correctly to prevent unexpected movement of the vehicle.
  • Visibility from most garbage trucks is very spotty without meticulous use of mirrors and other cautionary measures, and backup warning signal systems are not always functional.

Knowledge and Resources To Handle Your Sanitation Truck Accident Claim

Whether you were in your car, on a bicycle or walking when hit by a garbage truck, we know that you may have catastrophic, life-changing injuries to cope with and overcome. If you tragically lost a family member, you may need answers as well as financial damages. Our legal team is committed to taking every step necessary to determine fault and take appropriate legal action to help you get your life back in order to the greatest possible extent.

To discuss your potential case with a proven New York City garbage truck accident attorney free of charge, please contact our law firm. We care what happened to you or your family member, and our focus will be on helping you obtain meaningful, sizable compensation that helps you recover and move on in life.

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