New York City Sidewalk Snow Accident Attorney
Experienced Brooklyn Ice On Sidewalk Injury Attorney
In New York, where winters bring lots of snow and ice, hazards can be created in front of businesses, on sidewalks and in front of other buildings where pedestrians walk. It is the responsibility of property owners to reasonably protect guests from these hazards. Unfortunately, snow and ice can cause slip-and-fall accidents that result in serious and catastrophic injuries.
At the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel, in New York City, we have significant experience dealing with personal injury and premises liability claims throughout the state. Snow and ice sidewalk accidents are often complex and it is important to have a lawyer who can understand the difference between those accidents that could have been avoided by proper maintenance and snow removal, and those that could not have been avoided at all.
Contact us to learn more information about your rights to compensation at the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel. Call us toll free at 888-391-8546 to make an appointment.
The Bronx Slip-And-Fall Sidewalk Accident Law Firm
In New York, the city used to be responsible for all sidewalk accidents, including those in front of stores, apartment complexes and other buildings. Recent changes in the law, however, have switched liability for many sidewalk accidents to private business owners and other property owners.
When the negligence of those owners causes accidents, victims of those accidents have a right to pursue adequate compensation for medical bills, lost wages and other expenses. This includes the failure to clear ice and snow when a period of time has passed after a storm.
Representation For Ice And Snow Accident Injuries
If you have been involved in a sidewalk accident in New York caused by ice and snow, it is important that you speak with an experienced attorney about your rights as soon as possible. Call our office toll free at 888-391-8546 to schedule a free consultation.