A taxi-cab and a Metro Transit Authority bus suffered a terrifying collision on Wednesday. The Manhattan auto accident occurred on Broadway and West 66th Street, much to the horrified astonishment of passengers and onlookers. Three injured people – the taxi driver, a taxi passenger and the bus driver – were taken to a nearby New York hospital.
According to Manhattan Local News source DNA Info, witnesses stated that the taxi improperly turned in front of the bus, travelling northbound on Broadway. The bus-v-taxi collision resulted in substantial damage to the taxi. It was reported that emergency responders cut a front-door off the taxi so they could reach the injured cabbie inside.
This taxi accident exemplifies some extremely dangerous driving, especially when the cab had a passenger inside. Witnesses stated that it was the taxi-driver’s aggressive maneuver that caused the accident, as he was trying to save a few seconds by beating the New York City transit bus through the intersection. Needless to say, his mistake cost him a lot more than just time. We are all busy in the City, but when we entrust our safety to those operating a taxi, bus or train, we expect that our safety is their number one priority.
In addition to the initial NYPD accident-scene investigation, it is likely that both the transit authority and the taxi company will conduct independent investigations. When injury related insurance claims are inevitably filed, the insurance companies may conduct their own investigations as well.
To be truly certain that a proper auto-accident investigation is conducted – one that doesn’t attempt to shirk liability or shrink premium payouts – it is prudent for an injured passenger to contact an experienced New York City personal injury attorney. A reputable lawyer will often offer a free initial consultation so that a victim can obtain a fair evaluation of their claim and learn what roads to legal recourse they may have.
Source: dna info.com, “Three Hurt as Taxi and Bus Collide on Upper West Side” Aug. 3, 2011.