Experienced New York personal injury attorneys know that 18-wheeler truck accidents are serious business. A fully-loaded big rig can weigh 80,000 pounds or more, so when an accident occurs, grave injuries are frequent. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) statistics show that 13% of all accidents in the U.S. involve big rigs, and fully 5,000 deaths result from them annually.
One cab driver is fortunate to be alive following a terrifying accident in midtown last week. In the early morning hours Tuesday the driver was just entering the intersection of East 48th St. and Lexington Ave. when an 18-wheeler came barreling from another direction. The big rig driver did attempt to stop, but in the process skidded into a jackknife and slammed into the cab after knocking over a light pole.
The force of the accident sent the cab onto the sidewalk, where it smashed against the wall of a Radisson Hotel. An emergency crew had to cut the taxi driver out of his vehicle before taking him to Bellevue Hospital. He remains hospitalized with serious injuries.
The condition of the big rig driver has not been reported. Neither is it known whether police tested him for driving under the influence. Often 18-wheeler drivers work long hours and become overly fatigued, and given the time of the accident it is possible he fell asleep at the wheel, but this is merely conjecture.
It is not known whether the cab driver will pursue a lawsuit against the big rig driver. There may be a potential for him to file a claim to recover damages including medical costs, loss of pay, and pain and suffering.
If you are injured in an accident due to the fault or negligence of another, you may wish to seek a personal injury claim.