Don’t Settle For Less

Don’t Settle For Less

Playground Injuries: The Hidden Danger

On Behalf of | Dec 2, 2013 | School and Daycare Accidents

Every year in the United States playground accidents account for over 200,000 injuries involving children 14-years old or younger. And while any parent knows that a rambunctious child can suffer their fair share of scrapes and bruises, many of these playground injuries were severe enough to warrant trips to the ER. Indeed, some of the most common injuries suffered by these children are broken bones which take weeks and months to heal properly.

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that nearly half (45%) of playground injuries involve:

• Fractures

• Internal injuries

• Concussions

• Dislocations

• Even amputations.

And while one might think that young boys roughhousing may be the main cause of injury, it appears not to be the case. Indeed, girls are more prone to injury (but only just-injury rates are 10% higher in girls than boys).

Public parks and playgrounds are meant to be safe havens for children to run and play but 75% of playground injuries happen on publicly maintained grounds (schools, parks, daycare centers, etc.).

And though age of equipment is a factor, it’s not the only one. While a study of New York City playground accidents found that older playgrounds did indeed have more hazard-related accidents (as one might suspect) even new playground equipment can be dangerous. Case in point: a swing set at a newly renovated South Slope playground was recently removed after two separate accidents-literally within minutes of each other-left children with fractured ankles. The Parks Department removed the equipment in September even though the all the park equipment was installed in the previous June.

Safety experts have been studying and revamping playground equipment for decades trying to make parks and schoolyards safer than ever before. New “kid proof” designs and safer material options (padded metal or plastic instead of wood) have revolutionized playgrounds across the country but accidents still occur. The two most dangerous pieces of equipment on any playground are climbers and swing sets.

If your child has been injured in a playground accident, whether at a New York City park, your child’s school or daycare center, contact a New York City playground injury attorney today to discuss who may be responsible for the medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more. Call the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel for a free consultation at or 212-385-1122 to learn your rights.

