Don’t Settle For Less

Don’t Settle For Less

Dangers That Create Slip and Fall Accidents in New York

On Behalf of | Jun 3, 2014 | Firm News

Slip and fall accidents in New York cost individuals hundreds of thousands of dollars per year in hospital/medical bills and lost wages. However, a review of slip and fall accidents reveals that there are certain risk factors that contribute to more slip and fall accidents than any other hazards.

  1. Surface Conditions-Wet, slippery, or ice and snow covered walkways pose a significant hazard.
  2. Missing Signage and/or Barriers-All known walking hazards (such as broken sidewalks with significant cracks) should be prominently signed or blocked off so pedestrians can avoid them.
  3. Building Maintenance Failures-Leaks from broken pipes or roofs, torn carpeting, and broken stairs pose significant hazards in New York public buildings and apartment complexes.
  4. Improper Lighting Design- Inadequate lighting or burnt out light bulbs should be reported and replaced immediately to avoid injury.
  5. Entryways-Any location where outdoors meets indoors is a potential hazard zone. Rainwater (or snowmelt), leaves and other debris, and years of foot traffic can easily create slip and fall hazards. Mats must be used and maintained properly or else they become a hazard themselves.
  6. Standing Water-Whether from the janitor’s mop or pedestrians’ shoes, water on any walking surface is a danger. Surfaces must be kept clean and dry.
  7. Uneven Surfaces-Uneven sidewalks, hallways, or flooring can easily result in injuries. A change in height as small as ¼ inch can throw off a person’s natural gait and cause a slip and fall accident.
  8. Improper Surface Maintenance-Slippery floors in lobbies and hallways are dangerous. Flooring must always be clean, dry, well maintained, and inspected regularly.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a slip and fall accident in New York on a broken or raised sidewalk or in places such as a department store, supermarket, apartment or office building, contact an attorney today to discuss your right to recover compensation for pain and suffering, medical/hospital bills and lost earnings. Call the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel for a free consultation at or 212-385-1122 to learn your rights.

