Don’t Settle For Less

Don’t Settle For Less

New York Officials Warn Boaters of High Risk

On Behalf of | Aug 1, 2014 | Boating Accident, Drowning Accident, Recreational Accidents

One doesn’t often think of New York City when one thinks of summertime recreation on the waterways. New York City boating accidents often involve ferries and other mass transit/transportation. However, with an abundance of lakes and rivers within driving distance and the ocean just a short hop away, hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers enjoy the water every summer. However, as the results of one recent study shows, hitting the waterways in a personal watercraft can be very dangerous. Indeed, New York State as a whole ranks third in the nation for the number of boating accidents and seventh in the nation for the number of fatal boating accidents.

The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation wants all New York City boaters to keep important safety tips in mind when it comes to riding the waves.

1) Always wear life preservers

2) Never operate a boat while under the influence of drugs or alcohol

3) Know the waterways on which you will travel

4) Always be mindful of your surroundings

While alcohol use tops the risk factors for boating accidents in New York, there are a number of other risk factors. It’s important to always be watchful for hazards such as submerged logs, rocks, other watercraft, and stationary impediments like docks, piers, pylons, and dams.

But even the most watchful and alert boaters can get into trouble. A boating accident can happen in the blink of an eye. That’s why it’s so important to have (and use) the proper safety equipment on board. This includes life vests, life preservers, and other equipment such as helmets (for kayakers) and lights and whistles/horns (for use at night and in low-visibility situations). if you’re planning on hitting the ocean, carry a radio so you can alert the NYPD, Coast Guard, or even fellow boaters if you run into trouble.

if you or a loved one is involved in a boating accident in New York due to the carelessness of the boat operator or owner, contact a qualified lawyer immediately. Call the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel for a free consultation to learn your rights at or 212-385-1122. You may be entitled to compensation for injuries, lost wages, and more.

