Legionnaire’s Disease is making a comeback in the Bronx even as new laws put in place to help prevent such against negligent landlords in New York City.
Earlier this summer an outbreak of Legionnaire’s Disease in New York injured over 100 people and killed twelve. An investigation revealed the source of the bacteria responsible for the infections: unclean water cooling towers. Now, the Bronx is at the center of yet another outbreak with at least seven new cases of Legionnaire’s Disease popping up within the last month.
Officials had hoped that the previous scare would have spurred landlords into action-inspecting and cleaning any water delivery equipment they were responsible for (such as cooling towers, standpipes, or rooftop water tanks). But it appears as if they may not be the case.
While none of the infected affected by this latest outbreak has died, the victims have become extremely ill and many are older individuals (between the ages of 50 and 75 years old) who are not only more susceptible but less able to fight off the disease.
The mayor’s office released a statement earlier saying that the Department of Health was investigating this current outbreak and he personally was “watching the situation closely.” This “watch” is being made easier because of a new law which requires all property owners to register water towers within the city.
While Legionnaire’s Disease is technically an illness, individuals affected by the disease may still be able to file lawsuits against liable parties in order to recoup financial losses. For example, if a negligent landlord in New York fails to properly inspect a water tower or they fail to properly disinfect a diseased water tower in a timely fashion, they could be held liable in court for any illness or injury caused by water from that tower.
If you suspect a landlord’s negligence is responsible for your illness or injury, contact an expert New York apartment accident attorney today. Call the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel for a free consultation at or 212-385-1122 to learn your rights.