Don’t Settle For Less

Don’t Settle For Less

Wind Topples Trees Highlighting Danger to Pedestrians

On Behalf of | Mar 29, 2017 | Tree Branch Accident

Strong winds in the region have toppled dozens of trees in New York City and surrounding neighborhoods. At least one individual was sent to the hospital after being struck by a falling tree limb in Long Island. The victim was driving along Arthur Hill Road at about 8 AM when a tree limb crashed down onto his car. The injured individual was taken to Staten Island University Hospital for treatment.

When tree limbs fall without warning, we look to the wind as the major causal factor, however, it highlights the danger of improperly cared for trees all throughout the city. New York’s parks, sidewalks, and green spaces are filled with diseased, aging, or dead trees that can pose a serious risk to pedestrians, joggers, and most importantly, the elderly and children at play who are the most vulnerable. Under New York City law, the property owner-including New York’s Park’s Department-is responsible for inspecting trees and removing any damaged, diseased, or dead limbs or trees before they can fall on unsuspecting victims underneath. Unfortunately, sometimes these hazards go unnoticed or they’re not properly removed before it is too late.

Just a few years ago a branch came down on a pregnant woman resting on a park bench, killing her and her unborn child.

In such cases, victims can sue the property owner-even if it’s a branch of the City of New York. Such cases can seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, funeral expenses, and lost financial support. Keep in mind that the victim who makes the claim always has to prove his or her case. Therefore, to get the money you deserve, it would be wise to consult with and retain an experienced New York City tree limb accident lawyer.

