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Don’t Settle For Less

Train Accident in New York Likely Caused by Excessive Speed

On Behalf of | Jun 13, 2017 | Subway Accidents

A train accident in New York that resulted in what officials are classifying as a “minor derailment” last week may have been caused by excessive speed. Initial reports from the Metro North derailment inquiry praised the slow speed of the train for reducing the risk to passengers and preventing any serious injuries, however, investigative reporters have uncovered an unnamed source who says data shows the train was actually speeding at the time of the crash.

The source says the train was travelling much faster at the time of this latest train accident in New York than first reported-perhaps as much as five times faster than the posted speed limit (10 miles per hour).

The MTA had temporarily reduced the speed limit coming into the station because excessive heat (ambient temperatures in the 90s) could potentially warp the rails. However, it appears as if the conductor and engineer on board this particular train had a disagreement about the temporary speed limit. Regardless, if the train was travelling at nearly 50 miles per hour when it derailed, passengers were extremely lucky that none were seriously hurt.

There have been three derailment incidents on the Metro North line in as many years-one involving multiple fatalities. Many of these train “accidents” in New York are completely avoidable and have been caused by excessive speed, poor maintenance, and “human error.” In these cases injured individuals have the right to seek financial compensation for their injuries from the train line. Such awards can be used to recover for pain and suffering, pay medical expenses and cover lost wages while the victims recover.

If you’ve been injured while riding MTA operated trains, contact an experienced New York City train accident attorney immediately

