A young mother who was injured while trying to shield her three children from a falling tree in Central Park last month is planning to sue The City of New York. The city can be held liable in falling tree accidents in New York if the victim can prove that it failed in its duty to inspect the problem trees as needed and either prune dead branches, remove hazardous trees completely, or block off the area underneath so pedestrians and cyclists aren’t in any harm.
The victim, 39-year-old Anne Monoky Goldman, was walking with her two toddlers by her side and a 2-month old baby strapped to her back when the tree unexpectedly toppled, crushing her and one of her children to the ground. All four were rushed to the hospital. Mrs. Goldman was admitted with multiple neck fractures. Her two-year-old son was treated for a fractured skull and brain hemorrhaging. Her youngest and the other toddler escaped with minor scrapes and bruises.
Media reports say that Mrs. Goldman has filed a $200 million lawsuit, claiming that the city was indeed responsible for the tree falling. Several “experts” have examined the tree and stated that root rot killed it-rot that should have been noticed by city inspectors and the Central Park Conservancy for the American Elm (which was also named in the suit). If Mrs. Goldman can prove her case, she stands to win a significant financial award for her pain and suffering, unpaid medical expenses and lost wages if applicable, associated with this falling tree accident in New York City.
If you’ve been injured by a dead limb or struck by a collapsing tree while on public property (including inside parks or along certain sidewalks), contact an experienced tree limb accident lawyer in New York City.