Several people were injured when an elevator malfunctioned in Manhattan earlier this month. The five individuals were leaving a party at a four-story home on East 49th Street when the lift dropped an estimated four floors to the basement level. Unlike most elevator accidents in New York City, this particular malfunction occurred in a private home. Still, firefighters arrived on scene within minutes and extricated all of the injured individuals from the damaged lift car.
Three of the victims were taken to Bellevue Hospital suffering from broken bones in their lower limbs (one broken leg and two broken ankles). Two others suffered from lacerations to their heads. While the injuries were listed as serious, they are of the types typically seen in elevator accident victims. The body does what it can to absorb the force of a fall but when bones can no longer bend they break.
It wasn’t immediately clear what caused this latest elevator accident in Manhattan but investigators are definitely checking maintenance logs with fine tooth combs. The building in question is a rental home and as such the owner has a responsibility to protect the health and safety of all the residents and visitors. That duty includes scheduling regular inspections and ordering necessary repairs to all elevators on the property.
The property owner’s failure to properly inspect and maintain the elevator in question makes the owner liable for the victims’ injuries. The victims can makes claims for their pain and suffering, unpaid hospital and medical bills and lost time from work. Having an experienced Manhattan elevator accident attorney on your side in a case like this is the best way to get the fairest settlement or financial award possible.
If you’ve been injured due to a malfunctioning elevator inside a commercial property (such as a department store or apartment building) or inside a private home, the law is on your side. Contact the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel to speak with an expert New York City elevator accident attorney today. The consultation is free so call 800-734-9338 or 212-385-1122 right now.