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Group Launches Investigations into Sexual Harassment Complaints Involving New York Police Officers

On Behalf of | Feb 23, 2018 | Firm News

Serious Civil Rights violations in New York City including sexual harassment complaints will now be exposed to critical scrutiny thanks to an official watch dog group’s plan to expand their focus in New York. NYPD’s Civilian Complaint Review Board serves as the entity that investigates alleged police brutality and cases of excessive force in New York City. That group has the authority to make recommendations which have already resulted in convictions being overturned, charges being dropped, and individual NYPD officers being reprimanded for inappropriate behaviors. The Civilian Complaint Review Board recently announced that it will now also begin investigating alleged cases of sexual harassment involving NYPD officials.

These serious Civil Rights violations in New York City will now have a new light shone on the problem will help past and current victims find justice and keep potential future victims from encountering harassment at all.

The agency exists to provide victims fair and impartial investigations of claims of misconduct involving NYPD officers. However, until recently the board referred all alleged cases of sexual harassment to the NYPD’s Internal Affairs Bureau. The change allows this independent board the authority to investigate and act on victim’s allegations.

While the police commissioner ultimately has the final say whether or not an officer is reprimanded (to the point of termination), if the Civilian Complaint Review Board finds significant evidence of criminal behavior, prosecutors would be able to levy criminal charges in the case regardless.

This is good news for victims of serious sexual harassment claims in New York City. The fairest way for victim of a civil rights violation including sexual harassment is to have an independent and impartial investigatory board review the allegations and determine its validity.

If you’ve been the victim of sexual harassment on the part of the NYPD, an employer or anyone else in a position of authority, consult with an experienced New York City civil rights lawyer in order to get the justice you deserve. Contact the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel today at 800-734-9338 or 212-385-1122 without any further delay.

