An investigation into the death of an MTA maintenance employee has uncovered that his deadly on the job accident in New York City was likely caused by a faulty safety railing. The 23-year-old MTA worker was charged with removing debris from a subway tunnel in East Harlem on March 20th. He was working on a platform above an underground void in the subway tunnel system when the wooden safety railing on that platform broke free.
The worker fell roughly 20 feet to the train tracks below. Eye witnesses say that he suffered severe head trauma in the fall. However, by the time rescue crews arrived, there was nothing they could do. The victim was declared dead at the scene.
Both the New York Police Department and the MTA itself launched investigations into this tragic work-related death. Investigators discovered that the safety railing designed to prevent just such falls failed; snapping off from one of the upright supports guarding the gap between the upper and lower level of tracks.
No doubt the investigation will now focus on whether the safety railing was in good enough working order, enough to prevent this tragic work related accident in New York and if additional fall prevention equipment (such as harnesses) should have been provided.
The outcome of this accident investigation will have a dramatic effect on the victim’s surviving family members. In fatal work-related accidents, determining the cause of the accident is the most important step in holding the City of New York and any other responsible party liable for the financial impact associated with this untimely death. In addition to medical and funeral expenses, the surviving spouse and children of the victim killed in this work-related accident can seek damages for lost financial support for the family and pain and suffering for time the worker survived after the accident.
If you’ve been hurt in a fall at work and believe negligence or carelessness contributed to your injuries, contact an experienced work related accident lawyer in New York City immediately. Call the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel at 800-734-9338 or 212-385-1122 for your free consultation right now.