Is New York City facing a Civil Rights crisis caused by the Coronavirus? “Aggregate communities” like those individuals who are hospitalized or in long-term care facilities have been hit the hardest by the health crisis of 2020 but another population-those incarcerated in NYC prisons-have also suffered due to cramped conditions and the inability to effectively distance themselves from potentially sick individuals.
But did the NYC corrections system do enough to protect these individuals at the outset of this health crisis? According to at least one report (which draws heavily on documentation collected by the Associated Press and NPR) the New York prison system didn’t do nearly enough. The report suggests that officials were lulled into a false sense of security because they relied on inaccurate information. Was this failure a Civil Rights violation in New York City.
Advocacy groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have launched investigations into why (and how) prisons became Coronavirus hotspots even after officials were warned of the high contagion risk.
At the heart of the debate is the lack of testing capabilities across the United States and here in New York. Indeed, Felicity Rose, director of research and policy for criminal justice reform at the FWD.US, went on record stating that “the lack of testing is leading to a false sense of security.” Essentially, because the prison leaders did not (and still don’t) have access to adequate testing, the reported number of infected inmates was far lower than actual infection rate.
Individuals incarcerated in the New York City prison system are completely at the mercy of those in charge. Until investigations into the rate of infection and COVID-19-related deaths in NYC prisons are completed, victims and family members of those affected are going to be left on their own.
The experienced New York Civil Rights violation attorneys at the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel can help. If you suspect your rights, or the rights of a family member, have been violated, we can help you recover the compensation you deserve. Call 800-734-9338 or 212-385-1122 today.