After an unseasonal prolonged absence, it appears as if winter is here. An unsettled weather pattern that began with a massive snowstorm earlier this month has continued to funnel multiple disturbances across NYC. When the snow piles up, the risk of serious injury from a snow covered apartment sidewalk accident multiplies.
After a reasonable time after the snow stops falling, most property owners are responsible to remove snow and ice from sidewalks adjacent to their properties. The property owner always had and still has the responsibility to clear the common areas in the building or apartment complex. If a property owner fails to clear or improperly clears the snow and ice from these areas, the owner could be held legally liable for any injuries pedestrians, tenants and guests suffer in a snow slip and fall accident.
However, the liability of building or apartment complex owners may also extend to the snow removal company or the maintenance company hired to maintain the property grounds. These areas include anywhere snow may have fallen and needed to be cleared, such as:
- The sidewalks adjacent to the property (used by the public)
- The internal pathways between access points and buildings (used by residents and visitors)
- Any stairways or ramps on the property
- Any entranceways into buildings on the property
- Building or apartment parking lots
Slips and falls on snow can have a tremendous impact on victims. As a result of uncleared or improperly cleared pathways, NYC emergency departments see hundreds of individuals every year suffering from serious, sometimes debilitating injuries caused by snow slip and fall accidents. Broken bones, torn ligaments, and head trauma can have long-lasting effects for weeks and months after the initial injury. Only an experienced snow covered sidewalk accident attorney in New York City can insure that you will receive the maximum recovery for your pain and suffering, lost time from work and any out of pocket expenses.
To make certain that you get the compensation you are entitled to, call the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel at 800-734-9338 or 212-385-1122 for your free consultation.