A subway accident in New York City in January ended with three victims suffering from various injuries. The victim involved in the initial accident suffered “unspecified trauma” when he was struck by a train at the 28th Street Station in Manhattan. That individual was rushed to a nearby hospital where his condition wasn’t immediately evident.
The accident also ended with two MTA employees injured as well. Details surrounding the tragic subway accident in New York City are sketchy at best. It’s unclear if the two workers were injured in an attempt to reach and assist the initial victim or if they were part of a crew assigned to the location after that accident.
In an attempt to prevent subway accidents, we now find signage and other measures on subway platforms and around the station itself. Placards have been posted; subway platforms have been painted; barriers erected as well as educating the public about standing too close to the edge at subway stations and venturing onto the tracks at any time of the day—even when they don’t see any trains in sight.
The City as owner has the responsibility to keep the subway system reasonably safe. That responsibility extends to the transit employees as well. While the transit authority educates its employees how to handle potentially dangerous situations (like entering train tunnels), as well as issuing them the necessary safety equipment and gear should their job require them to put themselves in a potentially hazardous location, if those employees can demonstrate the City failed in its duty to keep the subway reasonably safe for them to do their jobs and move about safely, the City could potentially be liable for the injuries these victims suffered along with their time out of work and for any unpaid medical expenses.
Regardless of whether you are an employee or passenger, if you’ve been injured while using NYC’s public transportation, contact an experienced subway accident attorney in New York City to safeguard your right to compensation. Call the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel at 800-734-9338 or 212-385-1122 for your free consultation today