Don’t Settle For Less

Don’t Settle For Less

Crack Down on Construction Accidents in New York City Results in 300+ Shutdowns

On Behalf of | Aug 18, 2021 | Construction Accidents

322 job sites were shut down recently in an attempt to combat the rising number of construction accidents in New York City. The sites were all found to have potential hazards upon inspection by officials from The Department of Buildings. The chief of that agency told reporters that the crackdown is a part of an effort initiated by the agency to create a “zero tolerance” “culture of accountability” when it comes to construction accidents in New York. The mass inspections were partly spurred by a rash of construction accident fatalities in May which left at least three workers dead after completely preventable tragedies.

In addition to the 300+ work stoppages (which were initiated after over 1,100 violations were uncovered), the agency released a comprehensive analysis of the risky job site conditions that led to hundreds of construction accidents in New York City between 2018 and 2020. The analysis –a first of its kind—sought to find underlying conditions that contribute to these accidents in order to aid in the prevention of future tragedies.

The agency has also pledged to put more boots on the ground at more job sites around the city to increase supervision with the goal of “moving [the construction] industry forward.”

These stoppages and inspections will not stop construction accidents in New York City by themselves. Indeed, the only way to do that is to get job site supervisors to buy into the program and increase their own daily supervision in addition to instituting comprehensive safety training at job sites—which has been proven to dramatically decrease the risk of accidents.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident due to negligence or carelessness at any of the thousands of job sites around the city, contact an experienced construction accident lawyer in New York City today to make sure you get the financial recovery you deserve. Call 800-734-9338 or 212-385-1122 to speak with the legal experts at the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel right now.

