A crash involving multiple cyclists left three individuals seriously hurt late last month. The terrifying bicycle accident in New York happened during the city’s annual Five Boro Bike Tour—an event that brings hundreds if cyclists to the streets. The collision occurred as the racers bottlenecked near the intersection of 76th Street and the FDR Drive at around 10 in the morning. Multiple cyclists tumbled into a wrecked heap during the chain reaction crash.
In the aftermath, emergency medical crews transported three individuals to nearby hospitals suffering from what officials categorize as “minor” injuries. Several other individuals were treated at the scene.
This bicycle accident in New York is fairly unique in that it was not caused by a reckless automobile operator but rather an out-of-control cyclist. This incident doesn’t fit the norm as a majority of bicycle accidents continue to be the fault of drivers rather than riders. However, just because the machines involved were two-wheeled and pedal-powered doesn’t mean that the victims’ injuries are any less serious.
Even injuries classified as “minor” (such as broken small bones and abrasions) can keep individuals from work, may lead to complications (such as infection) and do cause a significant disruption to the victim’s life.
What’s more, individuals injured in bicycle accidents caused by cyclists can seek compensation from those riders who caused the accident to begin with. The claim against the responsible party would be for pain and suffering, lost time from work and any unpaid medical bills. In many instances, the responsible party may be able to turn to his or her homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy to handle the claim and provide compensation. Proving the claim, however, can be challenging in such cases. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have an experienced New York City bicycle accident lawyer working for you.
If you’ve been injured in a collision, call the Law Offices of Nussin S. Fogel at 800-734-9338 or 212-385-1122 for your free consultation today.